In the guild house of the Ashen Order, Puab Closk has a task
for you. He is located in the top of the guild house. Ask him "what is a
treant fist" and he will respond that he has these items, and will gift
them to any [monk of great skill]. Tell him that "I am a monk of great
skill" and he will give you Puab's Token and
tell you to travel to the Isle of Kerra to assist an old student of his, a
Kerran Cat-man named Clawfist who has been banished by his people. Kerra Isle is
off of Toxulia Forest (NOT the Island in Erud's Crossing!) Once you get
there you have to find Clawfist. He is in the basement of the temple, (behind
the throne and down a ramp). Tell him "puab sent me", and he will ask
for proof. Give him Puab's Token and he will recognize
you as a monk sent by Puab, and will give you a box with
paw prints, a 4 slot combinable box and will ask you to find the remains
of his fellow student who fell fighting goblins somewhere. That somewhere is Runnyeye,
and the 4 items can be found in the area.
The first is a ribcage, which may be found on a
goblin alchemist that spawns in Misty Thicket. The spawn rate varies: he has
been hunted for 6 hours and never appeared, and then popped up twice in an hour
on another day. The camp he spawns at is the southern goblin camp from the
entrance to Runnyeye, and the placeholder spawn seems to be Mooto.
The second is a humurous handled mace, found on a
goblin alchemist in the Gorge of King Xorbb. The spawn point is directly outside
the entrance to Runnyeye, and the placeholders seem to be the two goblins
stationed by the Runnyeye entrance. This spawn rate also varies, and can be as
long as 8 to 10 hours. These are the easy but frustrating two to get. Both
goblin alchemists seem to be about 18-19th level, and while they can be hard to
find typically once found go down pretty easily.
The next two are a lot harder to get to, and both can be found in Runnyeye
proper. The cat skull cap is on a gelatinous cube,
and the fractured femur is found on the goblin
captain who spawns out the back of the throne-room. Both of these seem to be
common spawns, so you don't usually have to camp them for long, but of course
getting to them really takes a good party in the 25s or higher. The captain is
about 25th level, and the cube about 20th.
Once you have all 4 items, place them in the paw print box and combine. You'll
be rewarded with a box of cat bones. Take this back
to Kerra and Clawfist, give it to him and he'll reward you with + faction
Beta-neutral, a healthy dose of xp, and a note to
take back to Puab. Travel across the continent to Freeport, give Puab the note
and he will reward you with + faction SilentFist, AshenOrder, and another
healthy dose of xp, and the treant fist gloves, a
rather spiffy looking set of monk only gloves. These show up as black gloves on
a monk character.